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==paper for this dataset and evaluation==


  • background

    • Representation and learning of commonsense knowledge is one of the foundational problems in the quest to enable deep language understanding;

    • Story understanding is an extremely challenging task in natural language understanding with a longrunning history in AI ;

    • This issue is particularly challenging for understanding causal and correlational relationships between events(事件之间的因果和相关关系);

    • Recently, there has been a renewed interest in story and narrative understanding based on progress made in core NLP tasks.

    • research has been hindered(阻碍) by the lack of a proper evaluation framework.

  • main goals:

    • The corpus contains a variety of commonsense causal and temporal relations between everyday events. 该语料库注重常识关系和因果关系的构建
    • The corpus is a high quality collection of nonfictional daily short life stories.该语料库只包含真实事件(这种真实指的是不含虚构内容,比如说一只小狗踢足球等等)
  • example of this corpus:

    | storyid | storytitle | sentence1 | sentence2 | sentence3 | sentence4 | sentence5 |
    | :——– | ——–:| :–: |:–: |:–: |:–: |:–: |
    |9a51198e-96f1-42c3-b09d-a3e1e067d803 | Overweight Kid |Dan’s parents were overweight .| Dan was overweight as well .| The doctors told his parents it was unhealthy .| His parents understood and decided to make a change . |They got themselves and Dan on a diet .|
    617e7ada-3878-488d-bd56-40695b91f053| The Bike Accident| Carrie had just learned how to ride a bike . |She didn’t have a bike of her own .| Carrie would sneak rides on her sister’s bike . |She got nervous on a hill and crashed into a wall .| The bike frame bent and Carrie got a deep gash on her leg .|
    79b0da1f-e460-4173-ba58-8c9e2553c53a| Beach| Morgan enjoyed long walks on the beach .| She and her boyfriend decided to go for a long walk .| After walking for over a mile , something happened .| Morgan decided to propose to her boyfriend .| Her boyfriend was upset he didn’t propose to her first .|
    d173b7de-4611-4cdf-934c-912834755e41 |The bad customer .|Jane was working at a diner .| Suddenly , a customer barged up to the counter . |He began yelling about how long his food was taking .| Jane didn’t know how to react .| Luckily , her coworker intervened and calmed the man down .|

==the evaluation framework for this corpus==

  • This system is given a four-sentence ‘context’ and two alternative endings to the story, called ‘right ending’ and ‘wrong ending’.
  • Hence, in this test the fifth sentence is blank. Then the system’s task is to choose the right ending.
  • 简单来说:这个评测就是给出一个故事的plot(前四句话),让你的模型在训练之后在两个ending(只有一个正确)中选择正确的结局。算是一个二分类问题。
  • examples:
  • 这个评测现在有很多人在做,后面我会附上一些现有的成果paper。

==our work for this corpus:==

  • 我们做的是一个故事生成的任务,旨在根据故事的plot(前4句话),生成故事的结局(ending,最后一句)
  • 现在主要用到的方法:
    • seq2seq+attn
    • RL
    • external knowledge(还在尝试)


for this corpus:

for the evaluation works:

  1. An RNN-based Binary Classifier for the Story Cloze Test.
  2. Story Cloze Evaluator: Vector Space Representation Evaluation by Predicting What Happens Next
  3. Reasoning with Heterogeneous Knowledge for Commonsense Machine Comprehension
  4. Story Comprehension for Predicting What Happens Next